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Advertising Space.

If you would like to use this space to advertise your business or special forthcoming event, then please feel free to contact me via Email at or for shared reward. Two email addresses because the first will soon no longer work. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you are interested in finding anything out about your family who may have once lived in Crooke, you can contact me, if you wish and I will try to find the answers to your questions? Better still, you may have more luck if you were to visit the 'Wigan World' site and that link can be found below the 'Canalside' entry lower down on this page.


The Crooke Hall Inn.

It must be noted that the Crooke Hall Inn email address has changed to:-

The pub itself has a prefered site. Please take a look at:-


The pub also has a Facebook page. Go onto Facebook and just search for The Crooke Hall Inn.


Canalside Activities.

This is a free programme run for the young people of Wigan run by Wigan Council's Outdoor Education Team. The idea is to help youngsters to learn how to stay safe by the water and to have a go canoeing. The reason why I have posted this is because Crooke is one of the venues within the programme and aught to be mentioned. This is a leaflet that was handed to me explaining what happens, where and when.

There are between 4 and 5 instructors who supervise the events, some on dry land and others in canoes with the youngsters. These are three of them.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember the names of the instructors but if you would like more information, the contact details are on the leaflet posted above. As it might be a little difficult for some to read, the number telephone number is 01942 769812 and the site address is .


There are several web sites around the Wigan area that you might consider visiting. To help you to look at some of these sites, I have included some links to save you some time looking for them.

Shevington Parish Council

The Shevington Community Association's Facebook page

Wigan World

Wigan Archaeology Society

Leisure & Culture Trust

Wigan Parish Church

Billinge History

Astley GreenColliery Meseum

Wigan Civic Trust

Save Wigan

There are now, three Wigan Council Archive sites. They are:-

Archives website (Council page)

Archives website (images/documents):

Archives Consultation Proposals

Wigan council is also promoting yet another site which is likened to Facebook but it is called 'Community Book'. It is designed for prople who are maybe looking for help in one way or another but also gives those groups registered to advertise their availability as volunteers or helpers if there is a need. Crooke is a registered member and the site is relatively easy to follow. Here is the link below:-

Community Book

Shevington & District Community Association now have a facebook page. You can reach it by following the link.

Shevington & District Community Association facebook page

If you would like help and advice on keeping warm this winter, how to overcome the rising costs of electricity and gas, information about financial assistance, debt advice, home repairs or security you can ring the Energy Saving Trust Helpline on 0800 512 012 or have a look at their website, which can be found at the link below. Look at the 'Take Action' page for ways to save energy. Following the second link will be more accurate

Energy Saving Trust

Energy Saving Trust, Takeing Action.


If you need to contact Houghton Lane Surgery, clock on the link below for the details or phone 01257 253311.


Shevington Community Phamracy is now open and see below for details.


To help keep you mobile, Wigan Council publicise the whereabouts off all road works along with their expected time of completion. In a bid to help you find out what roads are under repair, please follow the link below which will take you to that page on the council website.

Wigan and area Road Works Bulletin.


Neighbourhood concerns

Concerns have been raised about riders driving off route bikes, at speed, through the village. This has brought up further worries about noise and personal safety. If you feel that something ought to be done about it, the Police would like to hear from you so that it can be dealt with. The telephone number you should ring is:- 0161 872 5050.

If you have neighbourhood problems and wish to report those to the police, the number you should ring is:- 0161 856 7124. You can also send an Email. Should you wish to, the address is:-


Forklift Batteries Solutions. The Northwest Forklift Battery Supplier and Installer.

Ring 07917 507788 or 01942 494716 or chech out the Web Site

PB Battery Solutions Limited.

We can now also provide batteries to support Solar Panel Installations. Please look at our site for further details

Solar Wind & Turbine Batteries

A second website is now available to support your needs also including Solar support.


Adactus Housing Group Ltd now owns 36 properties in the village and have helped the village to regenerate itself into a more friendly community. The management of the properties was transferred from Adactus Housing Association to Chorley Community Housing in 2009 and the office base moved from Leigh to Chorley. The properties remain part of the Adactus Housing Group. If you would like to contact Adactus, please use the details below:

Chorley Community Housing
Ann James House
32-34 St Thomas Road

Our office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm.

Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 505 3355

For emergency out of hours repairs please telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0300 111 1133

To report Anti Social Behaviour Incidents out of hours please dial. . . 0845 337 1689

Media and press enquiries Email. . . . . . . . .

Or click on the link to take you to the association Web Site, that being

Adactus Housing


Ladies and Gents Hairdressers in Shevington


Simon Ratcliffe who is the proprietor of a company named L & T Stone, kindly gave Derek Keen a quantity of stone so the footpath outside Derek's house can be lined in stone. In thanks for his generosity, I am posting his company flyer so that you can see what he sells and is available. Thanks again Simon.


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